
Conto Excel Macro sing ditulis nganggo VBA

Conto makro Excel prasaja ing ngisor iki ditulis nggunakake VBA 

Perkiraan wektu maca: 3 menit

Tuladha VBA nggunakake Array

Prosedur Sub ngisor iki maca nilai saka sel ing kolom A saka lembar kerja sing aktif, nganti nemoni sel kosong. Nilai kasebut disimpen ing larik. Conto makro Excel sing prasaja iki nggambarake panggunaan:

  • Pranyatan variabel;
  • Susunan dinamis;
  • A siklus Do Until;
  • Deleng sel ing lembar kerja Excel saiki;
  • Fungsi VBA Ubound builtin (sing ngasilake indeks paling dhuwur saka array).
' Sub procedure store values in Column A of the active Worksheet
' into an array
Sub GetCellValues()
Dim iRow As Integer            ' stores the current row number
Dim dCellValues() As Double  ' array to store the cell values
iRow = 1
ReDim dCellValues(1 To 10)
' Do Until loop to extract the value of each cell in column A
' of the active Worksheet, as long as the cell is not blank
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(iRow, 1))
   ' Check that the dCellValues array is big enough
   ' If not, use ReDim to increase the size of the array by 10
   If UBound(dCellValues) < iRow Then
      ReDim Preserve dCellValues(1 To iRow + 9)
   End If
   ' Store the current cell in the CellValues array
   dCellValues(iRow) = Cells(iRow, 1).Value
   iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub

Prosedur nyimpen nilai ing kolom A saka lembar kerja aktif ing larik, cathet yen:

  • Siklus Do Until ngekstrak nilai saben sel ing kolom A saka lembar kerja aktif, ora nggatekake sel kosong
  • Syarat"If UBound(dCellValues) < iRow" Priksa manawa array dCellValues ​​cukup gedhe kanggo nahan informasi kasebut, yen ora, gunakake ReDim kanggo nambah ukuran array kanthi 10
  • Akhire, pendidikan​​dCellValues(iRow) = Cells(iRow, 1).Value” Nyimpen sel saiki ing array CellValues

Tuladha VBA karo operasi matematika

Sub prosedur ing ngisor iki maca nilai saka kolom A saka lembar kerja sing jenenge "Sheet2" lan nindakake operasi aritmetika ing nilai kasebut. Nilai asil dicithak ing kolom A saka lembar kerja aktif saiki.

Makro iki nggambarake:

newsletter inovasi
Aja kantun warta paling penting babagan inovasi. Mlebu kanggo nampa wong-wong mau liwat email.
  • Pranyatan variabel;
  • Obyek Excel (khusus, nggunakake tembung kunci Setel lan carane ngakses obyek 'Kolom' saka obyek 'Sheets');
  • A siklus Do Until;
  • Akses lembar kerja lan rentang sel ing buku kerja Excel saiki.
' Sub procedure to loop through the values in Column A of the Worksheet
' "Sheet2", perform arithmetic operations on each value, and write the
' result into Column A of the current Active Worksheet ("Sheet1")
Sub Transfer_ColA()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Col As Range
Dim dVal As Double
' Set the variable 'Col' to be Column A of Sheet 2
Set Col = Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("A")
i = 1
' Loop through each cell of the column 'Col' until
' a blank cell is encountered
Do Until IsEmpty(Col.Cells(i))
   ' Apply arithmetic operations to the value of the current cell
   dVal = Col.Cells(i).Value * 2 + 1
   ' The command below copies the result into Column A
   ' of the current Active Worksheet - no need to specify
   ' the Worksheet name as it is the active Worksheet.
   Cells(i, 1) = dVal
   i = i + 1
End Sub

Tuladha VBA kanthi rekaman tanggal modifikasi

Ayo nulis makro VBA prasaja sing murub nalika sel ing sawetara tartamtu saka sheet kita dianyari. Upamane sampeyan pengin nglacak owah-owahan ing kolom B (B4 nganti B11) lan ngrekam tanggal lan wektu owah-owahan ing kolom A.
Ayo nerusake kaya iki:

  • Ing tab Developer klik pilihan"Visual Basic"kanggo mbukak editor VBA.
  • Ing editor VBA, klik kaping pindho editor kode sing ana gandhengane karo Sheet2.
  • Pilih Lembar Kerja saka tab tengen (utawa kiwa) banjur pilih opsi Ganti.
  • Tambah kode VBA:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B1:B10")) Is Nothing Then
        Target.Range("A1:A1").Value = Now
    End If
End Sub

Simpen buku kerja kanthi makro aktif (contone, minangka file .xlsm).

Saiki, saben kita nganyari sel ing kolom B (saka baris 1 nganti baris 10), sel ing kolom A bakal kanthi otomatis nampilake tanggal lan wektu saiki.

Ercole Palmeri

newsletter inovasi
Aja kantun warta paling penting babagan inovasi. Mlebu kanggo nampa wong-wong mau liwat email.

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