Supernatural Launches AI-Driven Consulting Practice
Supernatural Consulting Will Harness Business Intelligence To Drive Growth
Supernatural is launching a new consulting practice, Supernatural Consulting, using AI-powered tools to drive business growth. AI continues to disrupt businesses across the spectrum, and Supernatural gives mid-size companies access to business intelligence once only available to multi-billion dollar players.
Deloitte and Heat alums and Supernatural Co-Founders, John Elder and Mike Barrett, bring to bear extensive experience in management consulting supercharged with a proprietary AI platform. Along with Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer, Paul Caiozzo, Supernatural Consulting provides a seamless client experience from business strategy to creative activation in addition to taking on standalone consulting projects.
To help clients make better strategic decisions, this platform ingests the most current academic research on marketing effectiveness, enterprise grade audience and competitive data, and the latest AI innovations. With a sizable investment in this technology, Supernatural Consulting’s mission is simple – help companies transform their approach to growth.
“AI is democratizing access to better decision-making at an increasingly rapid rate,” said Mike Barrett, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder, Supernatural. “We see this as a huge opportunity to help companies in ways not possible before.”
Supernatural Consulting will partner with companies to unlock answers to key business questions from macro to micro, from what drives market share and customer growth to illuminating how advertising contributes to driving immediate and longer term demand.
“We are answering questions at the heart of driving growth,” said John Elder, CEO and Co-Founder, Supernatural. “Our approach is transitioning the industry from a strictly FTE-based model to a human+AI hybrid model, which is less expensive and more effective.”
As economic forces continue to change, Supernatural Consulting brings an approach to growth that will help companies weather any storm.
“In this economic cycle, business will be transformed by three things: high-quality data, emerging technology powered by AI and smart people,” added Barrett, “We have assembled all three.”
Supernatural Consulting is headquartered in New York.
The post Supernatural Launches AI-Driven Consulting Practice first appeared on AI-TechPark.
Supernatural Consulting Will Harness Business Intelligence To Drive Growth Supernatural is launching a new consulting practice, Supernatural Consulting, using AI-powered tools to drive business growth. AI continues to disrupt businesses across the spectrum, and Supernatural gives mid-size companies access to business intelligence once only available to multi-billion dollar players. Deloitte…
The post Supernatural Launches AI-Driven Consulting Practice first appeared on AI-TechPark.

Supernatural Consulting sfrutterà sempre più la business intelligence per garantire una crescita solida e duratura
Supernatural sta lanciando una nuova metodologia di consulenza. Per rafforzare la crescita del business, Supernatural Consulting utilizzerà strumenti basati sull’intelligenza artificiale. L’intelligenza artificiale trova ancora molto scetticismo tra i player medio piccoli, e Supernatural intende offrire proprio a quelle aziende l’accesso alla business intelligence AI, fino ad ora a disposizione solo dei player di grandi dimensioni.
Supernatural Consulting
John Elder e Mike Barrett co-fondatori di Supernatural, vantano una vasta esperienza nella consulenza manageriale potenziata da una piattaforma AI proprietaria. Insieme al co-fondatore e Chief Creative Officer, Paul Caiozzo, Supernatural Consulting offre un’esperienza cliente senza soluzione di continuità dalla strategia aziendale all’attivazione creativa, oltre ad assumere progetti di consulenza standalone.
Per aiutare i clienti a prendere decisioni strategiche migliori, questa piattaforma acquisisce le ricerche accademiche più recenti sull’efficacia del marketing, il pubblico di livello aziendale e i dati competitivi e le ultime innovazioni dell’IA. Con un investimento considerevole in questa tecnologia, la missione di Supernatural Consulting è semplice: aiutare le aziende a trasformare il loro approccio alla crescita.
Mike Barrett, Chief Strategy Officer e co-fondatore di Supernatural
“L’intelligenza artificiale sta democratizzando l’accesso a un migliore processo decisionale a un ritmo sempre più rapido”, ha dichiarato Mike Barrett, Chief Strategy Officer e co-fondatore di Supernatural. “Vediamo questa come un’enorme opportunità per aiutare le aziende in modi prima impossibili”.
Supernatural Consulting collaborerà con le aziende per sbloccare le risposte alle principali domande di business, dal macro al micro, da ciò che guida la quota di mercato e la crescita dei clienti per illuminare come la pubblicità contribuisce a guidare la domanda immediata e a lungo termine.