
Laravel: introduction to laravel routing

Routing in Laravel allows users to route all application requests to the appropriate controller. Most primary routes in Laravel recognize and accept a Uniform Asset Identifier along with a closure, providing a simple and expressive way of routing.

What is a route (route) ?

The path is a way to create a request URL for your application. These URLs do not need to be associated with specific files on a website and are human readable and SEO friendly.

In Laravel, paths are created inside the le folder routes. They are created in the file web.php for websites, and within api.php for APIs.

These route are assigned to the group middleware network, highlighting session status and security CSRF. The routes in route/api.php they are stateless and are assigned to the API middleware group.
The pre-installationdefiLaravel nita comes with two paths, one for the web and one for the API. This is what the path for web in looks like web.php:

Route::get('/', function () {
   return view('welcome');

What is a route in Laravel ?

All Laravel paths are definiti in the path files located within the directory routes. The route management application, definished in the file App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider, takes care of automatically lining up these files. The file route/web.php definishes the paths for your web interface.

It's possible definish a path for this controller action as follows:

Route::get(‘user/{id}’, ‘UserController@show’);

Route::resource: the method Route::resource produces all the basic paths required for an application and is managed through the controller class.

When a request matches the specified route URI, the method is invoked show defifinished in the controller App\Http\ControllersUserController, passing the route parameters to the method.

For resources, you need to do two things on the application Laravel. First, you need to create a resource path on Laravel that provides insert, update, view and delete paths. Second, create a resource controller that provides a method for inserting, updating, viewing, and deleting.

The pre-installationdefiLaravel nita comes with two paths: one for the web and one for the API. Here's what the route to web looks like in web.php:

Route::get(‘/’, function () {

return view(‘welcome’);


Laravel Middleware acts as a bridge between the request and the reaction. It can be some kind of filter component.

Laravel work with a middleware which has the task of confirming whether the client application is verified or not. In case the client is confirmed, then routing redirects to the home page or a login page.

The methods for the route

The previous code definishes a path to the home page. Whenever this route receives a request get for /, will return the view welcome

All Laravel paths are definiti in your routing, which are located inside the directory dei routes. Consequently, l'AppProvidersRouteServiceProvider of the application lines up these records. The file route/web.php contains the routes that are managed for your web interface.

The path structure is very simple. Open the appropriate file (`web.phpo `api.php) and start the line of code with `Route:: `, followed by the request you want to assign to that specific route and then specify the function that will be performed following the request.

Laravel offers the following path methods:

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • patch
  • options

The paths are definited in Laravel within the Route class with HTTP, the route to reply to and the close, or the controller.

How to create paths in Laravel

Let's see how you can create your own paths in Laravel.

A basic GET path

Now I'm going to create a basic path that will print the times table of 2.

Route::get('/table', function () {
   for($i =1; $i <= 10 ; $i++){
       echo "$i * 2 = ". $i*2 ."<br>";

In the above code, I created a GET request path for the URL /table, which will print the times table of 2 on the screen.

Now let's see the same code, parameterizing the number for which we want the multiplication table:

Route::get('/table/{number}', function ($number) {
   for($i =1; $i <= 10 ; $i++){
       echo "$i * $number = ". $i* $number ."<br>";

In the code the 'number' between the braces represents the parameter, i.e. the number for which the multiplication table will be calculated. Whenever a URL of the type is specified /table/n, then the number table will be printed n.

There is also the way to combine both features in one path. Laravel offers the optional parameters feature which allows you to add optional parameters using the question mark '?' after the optional parameter and the pre valuedefinite. Let's see the example:

Route::get('/table/{number?}', function ($number = 2) {
   for($i =1; $i <= 10 ; $i++){
       echo "$i * $number = ". $i* $number ."<br>";

In the code above we created our route parameter, making the number optional, so if a user routes `/table` then it will generate the table of 2 by defaultdefinite and if a user routes to `/table/{number}Then the number table 'number' will be produced.

Regular expressions as constraints for route parameters

In the previous example we created a path for generating the multiplication table, but how can we ensure that the parameter of the path is actually a number, to avoid errors when generating the multiplication table?

In Laravel, you can definish a constraint on the route parameter using the ` methodwhere` on the route instance. The `where` takes the parameter name and a regular expression for that parameter.

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Now let's see an example of a constraint for our ` parameter{numero}` to make sure that only a number is passed to the function.

Route:: get ( '/table/{numero?}' , funzione ( $numero = 2 ) {    
   for( $i = 1 ; $i < = 10 ; $i + + ) {   
       echo "$i * $numero = " . $i * $numero . "<br>" ; 
} )->where( 'numero' , '[0-9]+' ) ;

In the above code, we used a regular expression for the path number. Now, if a user tries to route to /table/no will be displayed a NotFoundHttpException exception.

Laravel Routing with control function

In Laravel, you can definish a Controller method for a path. A controller method performs all actions definite every time a user accesses the route.
With the following code we are assigning the controller method 'functionname' to a route:

Route:: get ( '/home' , 'YourController@functionname' ) ;

The code starts with `Route::` and then definishes the request method for the path. Subsequently, defiFinish your path and controller along with the method by adding the @ symbol before the method name.

Give the path a name

In Laravel, you can definish a name for your path. This name is often very useful. For example, if you want to redirect a user from one location to another, you don't have to definish the full redirect URL. You can just give his name. You can definish the route name using the ` methodname` in the route instance.

Route::get('/table/{number?}', function ($number = 2) {
   for($i =1; $i <= 10 ; $i++){
       echo "$i * $number = ". $i* $number ."<br>";
})->where('number', '[0-9]+')->name(‘table’);

Now, I could regenerate the url for this path, through the following code:

$url = route('table');

Similarly, for redirecting to this URL, the correct syntax would be:

return redirect()->route('table');

Route Groups

I Route Groups, literally path groups, is an essential feature in Laravel, which allows you to group paths. Path groups are useful when you want to apply attributes to all grouped paths. If you use path groups, you don't have to apply the attributes individually to each path; this avoids duplication. It allows you to share attributes like middleware o namespaces, without defifinish these attributes on each individual path. These shared attributes can be passed in an array format as the first parameter to the method Route::group.

Syntax of a Route Group

Route::group([], callback);  

where [ ]: is an array passed to the group method as the first parameter.

Example of Route Group in web.php

Route::group([], function()  
   Route::get('/first' , function()  
      echo "first way route" ;   
   Route::get('/second' , function()  
      echo "second way route" ;   
   Route::get('/third' , function()  
      echo "third way route" ;   

In the code, defilet's find the method group(), which contains the two parameters, i.e array e closure. Inside the closure, we can defifinish how many route we want. In the above code, we have defifinished three route.

If via browser we access the URL localhost/myproject/first then the first one intervenes route typing in the browser first way route.

With the URL localhost/myproject/second then comes the second route typing in the browser second way route.

While with the URL localhost/myproject/third then comes the third route typing in the browser third way route.

Prefixes of Route Groups

The prefixes of route they are used when we want to provide a URL structure common to multiple route.

We can specify the prefix for all paths definites within the group using the prefix array option in Route Groups.

Example of web.php

Route::group(['prefix' => 'movie'], function()  
     echo "Godfather casting";  
     echo "Pulp Fiction casting";  
     echo "Forrest Gump casting";  

The code contains three paths that can be accessed from the following URLs:

/movie/godfather  --->   Godfather casting

/movie/pulpfiction  --->   Pulp Fiction casting

/movie/forrestgump  --->   Forrest Gump casting


We can also assign middleware to all routes within a group. The middleware must be defifinished before creating the group. To see how to do this, read our article Laravel middleware how it works.


Route::middleware(['age'])->group( function()  
     echo "Godfather casting";  
     echo "Pulp Fiction casting";  
     echo "Forrest Gump casting";  

Path name prefixes

The method name is used to prefix each name of route with a specified string. In the method name, we need to specify the string with a trailing character in the prefix.

Example web.php

   Route::get('users', function()  
      return "movie.films";  

Ercole Palmeri

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