
Examples of Excel Macros written with VBA

The following simple Excel macro examples were written using VBA 

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

VBA example using Array

The following Sub procedure reads values ​​from cells in column A of the active worksheet, until it encounters a blank cell. The values ​​are stored in an array. This simple Excel macro example illustrates the use of:

  • Variable declarations;
  • Dynamic arrays;
  • A cycle Do Until;
  • Refer to cells in the current Excel worksheet;
  • The VBA function Ubound builtin (which returns the highest index of an array).
' Sub procedure store values in Column A of the active Worksheet
' into an array
Sub GetCellValues()
Dim iRow As Integer            ' stores the current row number
Dim dCellValues() As Double  ' array to store the cell values
iRow = 1
ReDim dCellValues(1 To 10)
' Do Until loop to extract the value of each cell in column A
' of the active Worksheet, as long as the cell is not blank
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(iRow, 1))
   ' Check that the dCellValues array is big enough
   ' If not, use ReDim to increase the size of the array by 10
   If UBound(dCellValues) < iRow Then
      ReDim Preserve dCellValues(1 To iRow + 9)
   End If
   ' Store the current cell in the CellValues array
   dCellValues(iRow) = Cells(iRow, 1).Value
   iRow = iRow + 1
End Sub

The procedure stores the values ​​in column A of the active worksheet in an array, note that:

  • The cycle Do Until extracts the values ​​of each cell in column A of the active worksheet, ignoring blank cells
  • The condition "If UBound(dCellValues) < iRow” checks that the dCellValues ​​array is large enough to hold the information, if not, use ReDim to increase the size of the array by 10
  • Finally, education​​dCellValues(iRow) = Cells(iRow, 1).Value” Stores the current cell in the CellValues ​​array

VBA example with mathematical operations

The following Sub procedure reads the values ​​from column A of the worksheet named “Sheet2” and performs arithmetic operations on the values. The resulting values ​​are printed in column A of the current active worksheet.

This macro illustrates:

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  • Variable declarations;
  • Excel objects (specifically, use of the Set keyword and how to access the 'Columns' object from the 'Sheets' object);
  • A cycle Do Until;
  • Access worksheets and cell ranges in the current Excel workbook.
' Sub procedure to loop through the values in Column A of the Worksheet
' "Sheet2", perform arithmetic operations on each value, and write the
' result into Column A of the current Active Worksheet ("Sheet1")
Sub Transfer_ColA()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Col As Range
Dim dVal As Double
' Set the variable 'Col' to be Column A of Sheet 2
Set Col = Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("A")
i = 1
' Loop through each cell of the column 'Col' until
' a blank cell is encountered
Do Until IsEmpty(Col.Cells(i))
   ' Apply arithmetic operations to the value of the current cell
   dVal = Col.Cells(i).Value * 2 + 1
   ' The command below copies the result into Column A
   ' of the current Active Worksheet - no need to specify
   ' the Worksheet name as it is the active Worksheet.
   Cells(i, 1) = dVal
   i = i + 1
End Sub

VBA example with modification date recording

Let's write a simple VBA macro that fires when a cell in a specific range of our sheet is updated. Suppose you want to track changes in column B (B4 to B11) and record the date and time of the change in column A.
Let's proceed like this:

  • In the tab Developer click on option “Visual Basic” to open the VBA editor.
  • In the VBA editor, double-click the code editor related to Sheet2.
  • Choose Worksheet from the right (or left) tab and select the Change option.
  • Add VBA code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B1:B10")) Is Nothing Then
        Target.Range("A1:A1").Value = Now
    End If
End Sub

Save the workbook with macros enabled (for example, as an .xlsm file).

Now, every time we update a cell in column B (from row 1 to row 10), the cell in column A will automatically display the current date and time.

Ercole Palmeri

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