Artificial intelligence

How to install ChatGPT locally on your computer

We can install ChatGPT on our computer, and in this article we will see together how to install ChatGPT on the computer locally.

ChatGPT was born as a variant of the GPT-3 linguistic model (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), developed by OpenAI . It was designed to generate text, as close to human as possible. Conversational-style, and usable for a variety of natural language processing tasks. For example chatbot, linguistic translation, and in all cases where the conversation can be considered as an answer to questions.

We can also install ChatGPT locally, and you can easily do this by installing the OpenAI API client, and setting up an API key. The OpenAI API client needs Python 3.7, and then you need to install it on your computer.

Installing ChatGPT as Python code:

To install chatGPT locally follow these steps:

  1. Install Python 3.7 or later, download it from the official site by clicking on the link
  1. Install the client OpenAI API :

You can do this by running the following command (pip: Package Installer for Python):

pip installa openai

At this point, you need to register on the OpenAI website to get API access to OpenAI. It's simple and quick, you can do it directly on the site open AI by clicking here.

At the end of the registration, an API key will be displayed in the private area which you will need later in the code, you will have to replace it where you will find written YOUR_API_KEY

  1. Install dependencies:

ChatGPT requires several python libraries to be installed, including requests, numpy, and tqdm.

The command to install the libraries:

pip install requests numpy tqdm
At this point, you can use ChatGPT by importing it into your Python code, and to do that you must use the method openai.Completion.create(). Here is an example:

import openai

# Set the API key
openai.api_key = “YOUR_API_KEY”

# Use the ChatGPT model to generate text
model_engine = “text-davinci-002”
prompt = “Hello, how are you today?”
completion = openai.Completion.create(engine=model_engine, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1024, n=1,stop=None,temperature=0.7)
message = completion.choices[0].text

Installing ChatGPT as an application:

If you want to install ChatGPT on a local system as an application:

# install the latest version 
winget install - id=lencx.ChatGPT -e 
# install the specified version 
winget install - id=lencx.ChatGPT -e - version 0.10.0

Note: If the installation path and application name are the same, a conflict will occur ( #142 )

brew tap lencx/chatgpt 
brew install - cask chatgpt - no-quarantine
  • Also, if you keep a brewfile , you can add something like this:
repo = "lencx/chatgpt" tap repo, "{repo}.git" cask "chatgpt", args: { "no-quarantine": true }
  • chat-gpt_0.10.3_amd64.deb : Download the installer .deb, with small size, but with poor compatibility
  • chat-gpt_0.10.3_amd64.AppImage : Works reliably, you can try it if .deb it doesn't start
  • Available on AUR with the package name chatgpt-desktop-binand you can use your favorite AUR package manager to install it.
  • Furthermore, Gold is available with package name chatgpt-desktop-git.

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For any questions, feel free to contact me writing here

Ercole Palmeri

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