
Blockchain what it means, what it is and how to use it

Literally blockchain it means "chain of blocks", technically it is a shared and non-modifiable data structure. There blockchain it is a digital register whose entries are grouped in "blocks", concatenated in chronological order, and whose integrity is guaranteed by the use of cryptography.

Blockchain: it is a data structure in which digital information is recorded on blocks linked together in chronological order. The content of the blocks, ie the data recorded on them, cannot be changed. Each unit registered on these blocks could contain cryptocurrency or NFT.

Due to the immutable nature of these blocks, technology blockchain it is considered particularly safe for saving sensitive or valuable information. Such as a collection of NFTs or cryptocurrencies.

It is a rather complex thing, of which we also do not know well how it works, but in fact we are not very interested in the technical functioning (after all we usually use smartphones, but we are not interested in understanding technically how it works).

La Blockchain it is therefore a set of technologies, in which the register is structured as a chain of blocks containing the transactions and the consent is distributed on all the nodes of the network. All nodes can participate in the validation process of the transactions to be included in the register.

from defition of Blockchain we can leave to explore the most interesting aspects related to this technology.

The applications are many, the potential is enormous, largely still to be explored and not only in specific product sectors. Despite the media expectations, and the interesting features, one wonders what could actually be the areas of application of this technology, such as the sectors that can best exploit the benefits and the revolutionary properties of Blockchain.

Several companies from around the world have started experimenting with solutions Blockchain. And the areas of application and the solutions and development platforms have emerged more clearly. However, it is not always clear in what ways the Blockchain can improve existing processes, nor how this technology can enable new business opportunities and models.

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Currently the most advanced sector is certainly that of Finance & Insurance, which was first activated to respond to the threat of Bitcoins and which is already moving towards an application development phase of the projects.

Currently, several projects and applications have started in the Agrifood, Advertising, Logistics and even Public Administration fields.

In the coming weeks we will explore existing areas of application, projects and applications.

Ercole Palmeri: Innovation addicted

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